Monday, September 28, 2009

Screenwriting Contest, Round 1 Score

Just got my judge's score from the Screenwriting Expo CS Open: 91 out of 100. 23/25 for Structure, 22/25 for Dialogue, 23/25 for Style, and 23/25 for Originality. Judge's other comments: "You have a strong sense of stakes and action. Well done." But there was no mention of advancing to the next round or not. I guess that's a separate notification? Maybe? I'll be optimistic.


  1. They score much more easily than I do.

  2. Clearly. That glimpse of thinking I'm a decent writer will fade once I get back my first draft.

  3. Yay Sean! Even if you don't get to move ahead, they had something good to say about your writing (and Matt, this reflects well on you, too, don't forget[!] even if they grade more easily)!

    :) Good job :)
